Thursday, July 24, 2014

March 2014

SCF Libraries
Suggestion Box Comments & Library Responses

Dates:  February 14, 2014-March 19, 2014

DVD Requests
Library Response
The Quiet Man
Thank you for this suggestion.
From Up On Poppy Hill
Thank you for this suggestion.
Grave of the Fireflies
Thank you for this suggestion.
Best Man Holiday(2nd request)
Thank you for this suggestion, it will be ordered when it is available.
Thor: Dark World
Thank you for this suggestion. , it will be ordered when it is available.

Book Requests
Library Response
The Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX RN
Thank you for this suggestion.  We have a copy at all 3 locations.
The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life
Thank you for this suggestion.  There is a copy of this title in Bradenton.
Dust by Patricia Cornwells
Thank you for this suggestion.
Deaf Like Me (replacement copies)
Replacement copies have been ordered.  
Game of Thrones
Replacement copies have been ordered.   
Smart But Scattered
Thank you for this suggestion. 
Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms for check out.
Thank you for this suggestion. 
The Secret Life of Bees (book)
Thank you for this suggestion. 
The Mermaid Chair
Thank you for this suggestion. 
Traveling with Pomegranates
Thank you for this suggestion. 
Dance of the Dissident Daughter
Thank you for this suggestion. 
The Vampire Diaries (book series)
Thank you for this suggestion.  The first 3 books have been ordered.

YA Book Requests
Library Response
Sometimes by Moonlight
Thank you for this suggestion.  This books is not available in print.  We will look for it through one of our eBook vendors.
Always in Shadow
Thank you for this suggestion.  This books is not available in print.  We will look for it through one of our eBook vendors.

Other comments
Library Response
The assistance box pops up too many times and is a distraction and becomes annoying when trying to do research.  Maybe a help box would be more convenient for us to choose on our own.  This distraction is stressful when trying to meet a deadline and just in general“ – Thank you
Thank you for your comment.  Our AskALibrarian help widget is timed to not come across the screen until there is 90 seconds of inactivity.  We will check the frequency.

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